Built by scientists. 100% trusted. 100% free.

Protect your EV with Owner Insights from Recurrent

Recurrent has partnered with DGDG to offer customers ongoing battery monitoring and analysis. Connect once and we do the rest!
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Backed By

Like your phone, EV batteries degrade over time

Factors like temperature, age, charging habits, driving style and battery chemistry all impact your battery performance. You can't only look at the odometer to gauge EV battery health! We help provide transparency on where your car stands today.

Monitor your car's range
See how weather impacts Range
Charging station icon to represent EV type content
track your charging Habits
What will your range be in 3 years?
No-hassle, Automated Reporting
Privacy & Security with End to End Encryption

How Recurrent Works

Connect your car

To get the recommended monthly report, connect your car once through our partner Smartcar - we review 4 data points daily to build your report. You only need to authenticate once and we do the rest!

Make your comparison

We compare your car to similar vehicles to measure how it’s doing! We have 15,000+ vehicles in our community that help us to compare your vehicle quickly and accurately. Dive deeper with our FAQ.

Join the community

The more people that join, the more data we have to create predictive algorithms for any car’s future battery life. Recurrent is using this data to provide transparency for car buyers when purchasing a used EV. Our goal is to make EV buying accessible so even more EVs end up on the road!

We need your help!

We believe in a world where anyone can confidently buy a used EV without worrying about its battery degradation.

Recurrent is on a research initiative to build predictive models; the report is 100% free so we can learn from as many vehicles as possible. Help us get even more electric vehicles on the road and feel confident in your own car’s health too!

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We’ve helped thousands have confidence in their EVs

We'd love to help you too!
Just got my first battery report from Recurrent. So great to know that the effort I put into taking care of my battery is paying off!
Tesla Owner, Washington
This is a great idea on several fronts. I currently lease a Chevy Volt and my lease is up in May of 2021. Battery longevity is a concern as I consider whether I buy the car or turn it in.
Chevy Volt Owner, Massachusetts
I printed out the reports and showed them to the new buyer. It helped alleviate his concern about batteries rapidly losing range.
Tesla Model S Owner, California