Does Recurrent Have an App?


Recurrent does not have an app. If you're a driver and want to see info about your car, please go to your dashboard.

Curious why don’t we have one? 

For EV owners, once your vehicle is connected to us, most of what we send you is read-only. Adding/removing a vehicle from Recurrent is an infrequent process, as is updating your manufacture date. The reports we offer are simpler to provide (and consume) via a mobile-responsive webpage than in an app that requires its own updates.

In terms of the driver experience, our website features are optimized to be viewed and handled in your native web browser on your phone, independent of the operating system, software version, or browser type. 

If you frequently visit Recurrent, we recommend bookmarking the Recurrent Dashboard and then creating a home screen icon for easy access. Functionally, it’s no no different from an app – and takes up less space on your device! Check out this quick video to see how to add a desktop app to your iPhone. You can do the same thing on an Android device, too.